During the year indicated, these members did the most toward being exemplary Active Twenty-Thirtians.
2023 Alexis Smith
2022 Blair Avery
2021 Libby DuFresne & Andrew Moreland
2020 Mike Kingsley
2019 Haley Schuman
2018 Tyson Woodard
2017 Robert Steck & Charles Thompson
2016 Matt Snyder
2015 Loni Waltasti
2014 Meghan McMahon
2013 Rogelio Cassol
2012 Michelle Saunders
2011 Jesse Howes
2010 Liesl McLean
2009 Robert Gillespie
2007 Sarah Bain
2007 Rebecca Hill
2006 Shannan Odum
2005 Monica Tarrant
2004 Wayne Eckertson
2003 Sheila Cox
2002 Glen Goins
2002 Kathy Jo Leom
2001 Ben Benson
2000 Andrea Smith
1999 Scott Wright
1998 Dana Axon
1997 James R. Koch, Jr.
1996 Chris Butler
1995 Mike Boring
1994 Mike Boring
1993 Jamie Klund
1992 Stephan King
1992 Dave Cary
1991 John Paulson
1990 Tucker Davies
1989 Don DeZarn
1988 Tucker Davies
1987 Mike Nohrenberg
1987 Ron Staley
1986 Terry Dotson
1985 Mike Nohrenberg
1984 Claude Brist
1983 David Rekdahl
1982 Gerry Gaydos
1981 Paul Murray
1980 Paul Murray
1979 John Piper
1979 Lemil Speed
1978 Terry Dotson
1977 Truman Baird
1976 Ken Gilbert
1975 Jeff Gates
1974 Scott Russell
1973 Mark Huling
1972 Earl Dorman
1971 John Read
1970 Gus Pusateri
1969 Raleigh Chinn
1968 John Alvord
1967 Chuck Lanzarotta
1966 Jerry Thenell
1965 Don Newman
1964 Elton Stephens
1963 Mike Railey
1962 Dell Hubbard
1961 Gene Gustafson
1960 Jim Hoffer
1959 Bill Cooley
1959 Joe Richards
1958 Urban Ebner
1957 Dave Hoffman
1956 John Northam
1955 Ted Mohr
1954 Chuck Wiper
1953 Kurt Olsen
1952 H. A. Rasmussen
1951 Jim Stevenson
1951 Andy Maxon
1950 Ernie Jeffs
1949 O.D. Martin
1948 Red Colvert
1947 Robert Cross
2023 (F) Dylan Bunten
2023 (S) James Sisneroz
2022 (F) Ryan Rodewald
2022 (S) Blair Avery
2021 (F) April Miller
2020 Amanda Enos
2019 Joseph Harshman
2019 Alexis Smith
2018 Alexandra Taylor
2018 Samantha Snyder
2017 James Conners
2017 Scott Fagan
2016 Matthew Trevorrow
2016 Charles Thompson
2015 Laura Harris
2014 Loni Waltasti
2014 Darren Cook
2013 Brian Jones
2013 JR Laing
2012 Tate Namle
2012 Emily Atterberry
2011 Justin Dougherty
2011 Gretchen Bredeson
2010 Patrick Hosfield
2010 Korrie Gernert
2009 Jared Durham
2009 Wes Cardwell
2008 Shalena Jones
2008 Jay Shilling
2007 Rebecca Hill
2007 Chris Montoya
2006 Denise Beban
2006 Sarah Bain
2005 Denise Wilkinson
2005 Shannan Odum
2004 Keith Engel
2004 Craig Leadon &
2004 Monica Tarrant
2003 Liane Richardson
2003 Barry Poles
2002 Amy Singer
2002 D’arcy Garibay
2001 Ben Benson
2001 Glen Goins
2000 Mike Gansen
2000 Bliss Hamilton
1999 Robert Gillespie
1999 Scott McIlhany
1999 Deborah Harford
1998 Tyler Cates
1998 Debra Vogt
1997 Mike France
1997 Arnie Morosky
1996 James R. Koch Jr
1996 Sharon Saye
1995 Nicole Jenner
1995 Kris DeZarn
1994 Mike Boring
1994 Chris Butler
1994 Mike Clark
1993 Karin Helbling
1993 Marcia Schmaedick
1993 Mark Latimer
1992 Dave Cary
1992 Jeremiah Elliott
1991 David Anderson
1991 Katherine Sherman
1990 John Engelgau
1990 Dan Ertel
1990 Cyndi Swanson
1989 Steve Smelley
1989 Louis Keevert
1988 Don DeZarn
1988 Dan Colgan
1987 Rob Robertson
1987 Patrick Siver
1987 Brad Childs
1986 Tucker Davies
1986 Chris Duyck
1985 Cliff Gerber
1984 Mike Norenberg
1984 Lonnie Gieber
1984 Gary Omlid
1984 Mike Warner
1983 Marshall Peter
1983 Charlie Brau
1982 Barry Barreau
1982 Mark Musgrove
1981 Alex Tingley
1981 Rod Navaroli
1980 Paul Leverton
1980 Rick Olson
1980 David Rekdah
1979 Rod Miles
1979 Dave Poetker
1978 Mark Headley
1978 Dan Ehrler
1977 Jerry Westerman
1977 Claude Brist
1977 Dave Meyer
1976 Barney Racely
1976 Bill Sproul
1976 Larry Hoekman
1976 Tom Mohr
1975 Dirk Van Den Bosch
1975 Bob Fletcher
1974 Ed Pfannmuller
1974 Terry Dotson
1974 Jim Nameth
1973 Mike O’Herron
1973 Randy Snyder
1973 Dave Brown
1972 Buz Campion
1972 Jeff Gates
1971 Jim McDaniel
1971 Gene Emge
1970 Gordon Boorse
1970 Dean Owens
1969 Bob Belding
Given for outstanding service to the Eugene Active 20-30 Club (officers and outstanding new members ineligible).
2023 (F) Thomas Ball
2023 (S) Dominic Lemas
2022 (F) Scott Fagan
2022 (S) April Miller
2021 (F) Alexis Smith
2021 (S) Hannah Long
2020 (F) Mike Kingsley
2020 (S) Amanda Enos
2019 Matt Snyder
2019 Alexandra Taylor
2018 Haley Schuman
2018 Meagan Moreland & Andrew Moreland
2017 Lone Waltasti
2017 Sarah Stewart
2016 Larissa Straily
2016 Tenille Woodward
2015 Liesl McLean
2015 Meghan McMahon
2014 Rogelio Cassol
2014 Tate Namle
2013 Emily Atterberry
2013 Josh Kinsley
2012 Jesse Howes
2012 Grace Riggs
2011 Jen Kentera
2011 Vineet Wahi
2010 Shannan Odum
2010 Kathy Jo Leom
2009 Keith Engel
2009 Micah Adams
2008 Shalena Jones
2008 Ted Utley
2007 Denise Beban
2007 Fletcher Beck
2006 Tiffanie Soper
2006 Jeff Singer
2005 Terri Baker
2005 Monica Tarrant
2004 Sheilah Rund
2004 Wayne Eckertson
2003 Vineet Wahi
2003 Sheila Johnson
2002 Bliss Hamilton
2002 Bryan Beban
2001 Kris DeZarn
2001 Deb Pilcher
2000 Andrea Brunsvold
2000 Robert Gillespie
2000 Tim Campbell &
1999 Andrea Smith Koch
1999 Heidi Albertson
1998 Tracy Olsen
1998 Mark Osterman
1997 Sandy Paul
1997 James R. Koch Jr.
1996 Mike Nohrenberg
1996 Chris Butler
1995 Heather Melero-Paul
1995 Mike Boring
1994 Karin Cary
1994 Mark Musgrove
1993 Tucker Davies
1993 Jeremiah Elliott
1992 Dave Cary
1992 Jeff Earp-Thomas
1991 Mike Mora
1991 Karl Brantley
1990 John Paulson
1990 Louie Keevert
1989 Tim Blanchard
1989 Don DeZarn
1988 Ron Staley
1988 Patrick Siver
1987 George Campbell
1987 Gary Omlid
1986 Keith Boyd
1986 Mike Warner
1985 Claude Brist
1985 Terry Dotson
1984 Keith Boyd
1984 Terry Dotson
1983 David Rekdahl
1983 Chuck Siebers
1982 Linn West
1982 Mike Gustafson
1981 Rick Olson
1981 Larry Newby
1980 Terry Dotson
1980 Paul Murray
1979 Claude Brist
1979 Frank Goodman
1978 John Piper
The following project chairs have been recognized for their work on a single project during a six-month period. This award is voted on by the board of directors and is awarded to the project chair who has shown outstanding effort.
2023 Jaclyn Pettigrew, Children’s Charity Raffle
2022 Dominic Lemas Coats for Kids Drive
2019 Alexandra Taylor Freedom Festival
2019 Tenille Woodward Children’s Shopping Spree
2018 Conrad Hulen Freedom Festival
2018 Holly Jones Coats for Kids
2017 Abigail Johnson & Larissa Straily Putting ‘in the Whit
2017 Emily Atterberry Hands on Projects
2016 Tenille Woodward Coats for Kids
2016 Meghan McMahon Buzzsaw Ball
2015 Denise Wilkinson Stephens Giving Tree
2015 Brandy Gamoning Children’s Charity Raffle
2014 Autumn Coble Coats For Kids
2014 Matt Solvason Putt-Putt Golf Tourney
2013 Emily Atterberry Children’s Shopping Spree
2013 Tate Namle Haunted Homecoming
2013 Michelle Saunders 5K on the Runway
2012 Grace Riggs Giving Tree
2012 Eddie Martinez Putt-Putt Golf Tourney
2011 Lisa Wahi GivingTree
2011 Michelle Saunders Homecoming Dance
2010 Jen Larson Giving Tree
2010 Alicia Garcia/Cheryl Collins Oscar Night
2009 Liesl McLean Pearl Buck Tree Cutting
2009 Shannan Odum Duck Pen
2008 Denise Beban Kidspree
2008 Robert Stevens Duck Pen
2007 Chris Boone Freedom Festival
2006 Jon Cavanagh Freedom Festival
2006 Shannan Odum Ems Concessions Stand
2006 Monica Tarrant Oscar Night
2005 Jeff Singer Freedom Festival
2005 Tiffanie Soper Scream in the Dark
2004 Keith Engel Summer Raffle
2004 Ann Greenfield Coats for Kids
2004 Francine Gardner Oscar Night
2003 Sheila Cox/Glen Goins Ems Concession Stand
2003 Tyler Cates/Liane Richardson Giving Tree
2003 Ben Benson Duck Pen
2002 Mike Clark Freedom Festival
2002 Debra Vogt Scream in the Dark
2001 John Lawrence Freedom Festival
2001 Tyler Cates Christmas Tree Pickup
2000 Mike Gansen House for the Kids
2000 Andrea Smith Scream in the Dark
1999 Debra Pilcher Freedom Festival
1999 Dana Axon/Charlie DeLong Scream in the Dark
1998 Scott Kiever Freedom Festival
1998 Sandy Paul Coats for Kids
1997 Melero-Paul/Butler/Koch Jr National Convention
1997 Kathy Jo Leom/Sharon Saye Special Olympics
1997 Mark Osterman Christmas Tree Pickup
1996 Mike Barclay Kid’s Classic Golf Tourney
1996 Scott Kiever Christmas Tree Pickup
1995 James R. Koch Jr. Duck Bicycle Pen
1995 Karin Cary Coats for Kids
1995 Mike Boring 3A Basketball
1994 Bruce Glidden/Jeff Sharp Special Olympics
1994 Dave Cary 3A Basketball
1993 Alan Thayer Fireworks
1993 Don DeZarn Coats for Kids
1993 Stephan King/Sid Leiken Christmas Tree Pickup
1992 Lori Pinard Coats for Kids
1992 Alan Thayer Christmas Tree Pickup
1991 John Paulson Fireworks
1991 Alan Thayer/Don Slayton Christmas Tree Pickup
1990 Tim Blanchard Fireworks
1990 Louie Keevert Christmas Tree Pickup
1989 Don DeZarn Fireworks
1989 Tucker Davies AA Basketball
1989 Ben Phillips/Dave Girt Christmas Tree Pickup
1988 Mike Nohrenberg Fireworks
1988 Tim Henderson Christmas Lights
1987 Mike Nohrenberg Fireworks
1987 Ron Staley/Alan Thayer Christmas Tree Pickup
1986 Ben Phillips/Gary Thomsen Bowl-a-thon
1986 George Campbell/Marty Bauer Christmas Tree Pickup
1985 Gary Omlid/Mike Warner Fireworks
1984 Claude Brist AA Basketball
1983 Tom Wiper/Chuck Siebers/Jack Sinkowski Bingo
Hourglass Awards: James Sisneroz, Eve Deierling
Public Relations of the Year
Large Club of the Year
Hourglass Awards: April Miller, Blair Avery
President of the Year: Haley Schuman
Charity Project of the Year
Member of the Year: Charles Thompson
Public Relations of the Year
Pin Design of the Year
Charity Project of the Year
Fundraising Concept of the Year
Member of the Year: Mike Kingsley
Large Club of the Year
Public Speaker of the Year: Conrad Hulen
Runner-up: Public Relations of the Year, Scrapbook of the Year
Public Relations of the Year
Club of the Year
Large Club of the Year
Runner-up: Charity Project of the Year, T-Shirt of the Year
Large Club of the Year
Treasurer of the Year: Meghan McMahon
Visitation of the Year
National Liaison of the Year: Rogelio Cassol
Publication of the Year
Web Page of the Year
Mission Statement Representative of the Year: Loni Foster
Public Relations of the Year
Runner-up: Member of the Year (Meghan McMahon), Fundraising Concept of the Year (Buzzsaw Ball), Outstanding Club Pin Design, Visitation of the Year
Fundraising Concept of the Year: Duck Pen
Charity Project of the Year
Treasurer of the Year: Jeff Singer
Publication of the Year
Public Relations of the Year
Large Club of the Year
President of the Year: Michelle Christensen
Fundraising Concept of the Year
Charity Project of the Year
Member of the Year: Liesl McLean
Public Relations of the Year
Mission Statement Representative: Emily Schaffner
Speech Contest of the Year
Fundraising Concept of the Year
Member of the Year: Kathy Jo Leom
Public Relations of the Year
Sam Krier
Dani McBride
Andrew Moreland
Scott Fagan