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Active 20-30’s Social Pillar

Author: Mike Kingsley

I didn’t join Eugene Active 20-30 for the social aspect. In fact, I didn’t even know that it was one of our pillars until being in the club for the first few months. I joined our club for the philanthropic work as I wanted to start volunteering more. I thought it was a good way to give back to a community that I cared about a lot, and I was right…but in an unexpected way. 

I was right that 20-30 is an amazing place to volunteer, I would say it’s second to none. However, the social aspects of the club sneak up on you. I think back sometimes to making friends when I was younger, I’m talking like 4, or 5 years old, to figure out how I made friends. Was it because we were always around each other? Or played the same game? I think in kindergarten it was anything as simple as someone having the same name as you or that they sat right next to you. In 20-30, although it’s different, we do kind of play the same game: most of us are here for the same reason, to help children. It’s incredible how if you put enough kind-hearted people in a room, great friendships can grow.

I wasn’t looking for more friends when I joined 20-30, but it just happened. As you travel across the US and to new countries, a special bond develops and friendships grow organically. But it’s more than the travel, the amount of time 20-30 members invest in others certainly plays a part as well. There’s something magical about that moment you can share with another member: a kid enters an event we’re hosting and he’s having a horrible day, but for those 2 hours he does nothing but smile. To know that you and those around you played a part in changing that kid’s day is something you can’t buy or win, you can’t feel it unless you’re part of it and helping out. 20-30 gives you so many of those moments to both help others and develop amazing friendships along the way.

Are you interested in experiencing the social aspects of the 20-30 club? Join us for our next event or meeting by reaching out via the Contacts page.